WarpUp (412/442)

Date:28 Dec 99 at 12:33:20
Subject:[warpup] Re:

Micha� Bartczak wrote:
> >> weren't in SAS/C due to problems with the compiler. The version is 3.0.
> >> I hope v4.0 will compile Quake with all optimizations on and no changes
> >> to the
> >> source other than Amiga specific OS and HW usage.
> >
> > This sounds like a pretty old version. 4.0 compiles Quake with only 3
> > typecasts having to be added (the OS-independent part). 3.0 SHOULD compile
> > it with a recent version the same too... but i did not test this.
> Hmm... AFIK Quake sources are clean enough to be compiled without any
> changes even i VBCC (xcept changing line-ends from pc-format (hw-indep
> part). And even some gl-sources are compileable, (Storm mesa), but
> something tells me that it isn't even worth trying :P
1. I didn't write that mail, it must be Steffen Haeuser
2. you can discuss that on the mailing-list (
quake-subscribe@cdbssoftware.net )

thank you,

David 'Toxico Nimbus' Larochette / CdBS Software