WarpUp (409/442)

From:Joseph Fenton
Date:28 Dec 99 at 08:47:51
Subject:[warpup] Re: StormC compiler

Steffen Haeuser wrote:
> This sounds like a pretty old version. 4.0 compiles Quake with only 3
> typecasts having to be added (the OS-independent part). 3.0 SHOULD compile it
> with a recent version the same too... but i did not test this.

It is pretty old. Seeing all the trouble it took
to get DOOM to compile, I doubt it would be any
easier to get Quake to compile on the same compiler.

> As you are a very important developer i think you should ask H&P about it, i
> doubt it would be a problem to get you a later version :)

I tried, but I just got reffered around and nothing ever
came of it. I got reffered to Mike Rock who reffered me to
Mr. Haage who reffered me to Mike...