WarpUp (404/442)

From:Joseph Fenton
Date:27 Dec 99 at 22:46:04
Subject:Re: [warpup] Quake...

"Steffen Haeuser by way of Support Team " wrote:
> Hi!
> ow> I could probably do that... I have SAS/C with the PPC module and
> ow> did ADoomPPC; I'd even keep it compatible with the PUP emu library
> ow> like ADoomPPC is. :^}
> Who is this ? Joe Fenton ? Peter McGavin ? I did not see any name below the
> mail... or maybe is this only my mailer doing trouble ? I guess after you
> mentioned ADoomPPC you're probably Joe, right ? :)

Should be in the from header... yes, it's me, Joe Fenton.

> ow> I'd like to do Warp work on it, but my StormC is old and buggy.
> I think even the first version of StormC 3.0 should be enough to compile
> Quake. I know that older versions had problems with Doom, but with nearly no
> other source-code... i did not yet try compiling Quake with a older compiler,
> but i doubt there would be any problems... I am using 4.0 Beta, though. You
> could give it a try :) (If you need the source-changes i did up to now and the
> StormC project file, say so... due to the license the source has to be released
> sometimes later anyways, so i am not at all secretive about it... it is better
> if people work together on it, like was already pointed out...). Which version
> of StormC do you have ?

If you remember, I got the source to ZhaDoom, and had to compile certain
with certain settings, and a variety of changes to the files were needed
weren't in SAS/C due to problems with the compiler. The version is 3.0.
I hope v4.0 will compile Quake with all optimizations on and no changes
to the
source other than Amiga specific OS and HW usage.

> Anyways, so you would be interested in working together with me ? Maybe you
> would be interested in overtaking some of the parts in the code which i did
> not do yet (i listed them in a earlier mail on this list) ?
> I think the most interesting thing would be if someone could care about the
> Sound-Code... AHI, preferred, of course...
