WarpUp (387/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:25 Dec 99 at 20:04:46
Subject:[warpup] Quake Porting Group...


Just a question... is someone else working on the source (or interested in
helping finishing a port):

Currently i have still the following open points (Input Code is also still
partially open, but i think i will have it completely done till tomorrow

- Sound Code (CD Audio works already, but not yet the Sound FX)
- Networking code only works if the Amiga is the Server (what i did was using
the net_udp.c of the ID Software Code, and adding OpenLibrary/CloseLibrary
of bsdsocket.library, adding SocketBaseTagList, and replacing
open/close/ioctl by OpenSocket/CloseSocket/IoctlSocket).
- Currently only 320x200 is supported, i only implemented the required parts
of vid_dos.c up to now into vid_amiga.c.
- No QuakeWorld yet
- no Warp3D Code yet
- no ASM Optimization

So if anybody wants also to participate in the porting, i suggest we talk to
each other, so that we don't make same Coding twice.
