WarpUp (374/442)

From:Joseph Fenton
Date:24 Dec 99 at 22:35:22
Subject:Re: [warpup] official Quake Porting Project

Steffen Haeuser wrote:
> If some people do not use StormC, but a different compiler, i think it should
> be a minor problem for me to add support for EGCS and vbcc to the source i up
> to now did (assuming these compilers compile the ID Source-Code... i did not
> try this...).

I don't use StormC for C because the older version I have is buggy.
I helped identify some of the bugs, which I reported to H&P and
Mike Rock (I think that is who is in charge of the StormC compiler).
They made the corrections, but I was never able to get an update,
so I still have allthe bugs. I am using PowerASM for my own
programming, partly by necessity, but I would like to be able to
use C.