WarpUp (37/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:05 Dec 99 at 20:02:47
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: Test

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> My greatest concern about Phase5's PPC only G4 cards, is that the 68k
ow> emulator doesn't work good enough to run Dopus5.5...
ow> I concider Dopus as the most usable program ever...
ow> That's the main reason why I haven't ordered a G4 card yet...

Provided the fact that the memory-controllers needed for >350 MHz G4 are still
not available for anybody asides from Apple this year, and provided the fact
that QNX said they won't start porting their OS to PPC i have still my doubts
this product will see the light of day, even if P5 did a lot of PR for it.

Support for it using AmigaOS programs (asides from running a QNX-version of
UAE) is a completely different question, i guess...

Steffen Haeuser