WarpUp (358/442)

From:Frank Wille
Date:23 Dec 99 at 13:04:45
Subject:Re: [warpup] Problems with PPCLibEmul on BPPC !

Fredrik Nilsson wrote:

> I don't know what the problem is or why it is happening. I got a
> correctly working ppc.lib system but when i try to get the emulator to
> work the strange thing happens.
> When I have launch the BPPCFix (from the ppclibemu archive) from the
> startup-sequence the computer boots right and everything works fine but
> then when some programs have had a lock-up or any other reason to do a
> reset the stange thing happens.

So it's not primarily caused by a crash or lock-up of a program,
but you only have to reset?

Was ppclibemu active at the time when resetting?

> The problem: The computer boots as
> normal but then when workbench is going to be loaded the mouse pinter
> frezzes and i have to reboot again and the same thing happens again and
> this thing happens a few times...

With or without ppclibemu? Do you think BPPCFix is still active?

How do you start ppclibemu, BTW? Did you put a LoadLib or PPC-
Install command into your startup-sequence or user-startup? Is it
installed in LIBS: or elsewhere? Or do you start it manually?

> then, after about 5-10 reboots, the
> computer starts correctly and everyting works perfectly (to the next
> rebbot). And so it goes on evey time i have to reboot, it's quite
> annoying.

And what does make you system stable again? Removing BPPCFix? In
which configuration does it work and when do the problems appear?
Please be more precise.

> *Here is a list of some of my libs*:
> [...]
> *The settings in ENVARC:PowerPC/*
> [...]

This looks OK.

> Please, can someone help me ? All my other spec can be found in the
> signature if there is something unclear.

Hm. I would expect some PowerUp datatypes or plugins or whatever,
which cause this instability, because they might be not completely
emulated by ppclibemu.

If you start without startup-sequence, the system doesn't crash,
right? I would start with removing datatypes, dosdrivers, WB-
startup programs, etc. and booting with a minimal startup sequence.

Then activate all programs step by step. This might be the only
way to find the problem.

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer