WarpUp (349/442)

From:Jimmy Nyholm
Date:21 Dec 99 at 23:45:58
Subject:SV: SV: [warpup] Something about G3/G4 cards


Hi again ;-)


>winNT is no good - its too big and resource demanding. likewise WinCE has
>legacy and its 'own ways' of doing things...certainly not the quick and tidy
>way needed. WAP is a protocol, not an OS . Epoc32 is nice, but doesnt have
>the features required for scaleability. an OS is needed that can run on
>servers - and also on 4Mb handheld assistants

No I didn't say that any of the existing product where the BEST sullution. But the main reason that I did make a comment on this in the first place was that you laughed in the face of poor Kolbj�rn Barmen that claimed that we would in a not so distant future have som sort of server at home and allways be online with a superslim portable unit. Your response to his mail was read by me like you didn't beleve him. Then I answered your mail that his thougts wasn't that of that you stated... Hereby I rest my case this is eighter the time nor the place for this kind of discussions.

Yours / Jimmy Nyholm
ps. Once more very sorry for my spelling. I'm not an englisman as all of you can see... ds...
Over and out.