WarpUp (313/442)

From:Micha� Bartczak
Date:19 Dec 99 at 09:11:06
Subject:[warpup] Overheating (was: Re: WarpOS problems)

>> [PPC overheating]
> Hehe... that would probably help, but hmm... I would have to have gloves
> and a jacket, and there would probably be ice on the computer.
I'm thinking about better solution ;) There is a nice thing, called heat
pump. (dunno if it is right name in english for it, it is just a
translation from polish). It works this way:

Looks like a little (3cm x 3cm x 3mm) box with two wires.

Put +12V on one wire, and set GND to second wire...and you are getting 70C
heat difference on sides of pump. (it actually does 70C when power is 17V,
but anyway...).

Everything we need is to place this on CPU directly, and attach
cooler&radiator (or just radiator) onto it. I want to do this with 603,
because I want to overclock it 'a bit'. I'm only wondering how dangerous
for CPU is freezing by

If it is dangerous, maybe I need some kind of thermostat?

btw: do anyone know what version of 603 is this one, which have 0.8 x 1.5cm
size of cpu-radiator connection? I heard from someone, that it is 300mhz
version (insert some crazy ideas here)
