WarpUp (311/442)

From:Markus Sinn
Date:19 Dec 99 at 00:46:51
Subject:[warpup] Re: Wipeout2097 problem the 95% crash

>> wipeout crash init screen 0- 95 %
> Please say what kind of crash is it.

the black screen with the counter 0 -100 and anime , on 95 hangs and crash
by hide game (leftAmiga N) the demos starts
>> The demo run perfektly
> The game and the demo are almost the same, besides some minor
> limitations. During loading there is almost nothing which works
> differently.

>> -new libs install
> Please get more concrete, so say what you did *exactly*.
the warpOS / 3D from CD new date in version string
>> - 100 Mb free RAM (after run wipeout 140MB total)
>> -OS 3.5 no other patches
>> -set 70ns ram speed
>> -cgx 3
> Please tell all version numbers of your CGFX files
the last from p5.
> bye

tut mir leid f�r das durcheinander