WarpUp (307/442)

From:Frank Wille
Date:18 Dec 99 at 21:28:27
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: WarpOS problems

Nick Curcio wrote:

> On 18-Dec-99, Frank Wille wrote:
> >> It's as if ppc.library isn't even there. All PowerUp programs report
> >> as being not executable.
> >
> > Then the ElfLoadSeg patch isn't installed, which means that the
> > ppc.library was never initialized or flushed again.
> >
> > Try "loadlib ppc.library" again and check if anything changes. If not,
> > I assume that your environment variable settings in ENV:PowerPC is
> > incorrect.
> >
> > PowerPC/NoPatch has to be "1" and PowerPC/Terminator must never be
> > "2".
> I had already tried "loadlib ppc.library". Then I used VersionWB to
> determine if it was actually loaded, and it was. Still no go on any
> PowerUp programs.

You will get exactly the effect described above, when NoPatch is
not set at the time when WarpOS was launched.

> NoPatch is set to "1" and Terminator is set to "0". As soon as I remove
> CSPPC233Fix_wos from my startup-sequence, everything works again. Is
> that the problem?

Yes, most probably. I think you have placed CSPPC233Fix before the
line which copies ENVARC: to RAM:ENV. As the fix launches WarpOS,
this is not good, because no environment variables are present at
that time, which make NoPatch default to zero.

> Should I not start it in my s-s?

How about placing CSPPC233Fix into user-startup? This is early
enough. You should only modify startup-sequence when there is
no other possibility - for good reasons.

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer