WarpUp (290/442)

From:Robert Nilsson
Date:18 Dec 99 at 11:00:00
Subject:[warpup] Re: WarpOS problems

Hello Domagoj

On 16-Dec-99, you wrote:

> On 13-Dec-99, Robert Nilsson Robert (robert.nilsson@mbox306.swipnet.se)
> wrote:
>>> What crashes ? Warp OS exceptions ?
>> Yes... WarpOS exceptions. Ok I will try to add an extra fan near the
>> ppc-card. But it is a bit strange, because it's even more unstable when
>> it's cold, like when I turn on the computer.
>>> I have in the last few weeks had that.. And I have traced it back to
>>> an overheating PPC chip. I have also discussed the problem with
>>> Frank Wille and and he agrees it seems like the problem for most users
>>> with the 233mhz ppc card is overheating..
>> Hmm... I will try cooling it a bit more and see if that helps
> I will recommend since you are living in Sweden to just open case
> completely and open window to see if system is stable enough :-) You will
> certainly cool down ppc card.

Hehe... that would probably help, but hmm... I would have to have gloves and
a jacket, and there would probably be ice on the computer.

Kind Regards
Robert Nilsson

Robert Nilsson
Tel: +46-418-53007
Fax: +46-418-53013

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