WarpUp (266/442)

From:Michal Bartczak
Date:17 Dec 99 at 13:51:30
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: WarpJPEG.datatype - new release!

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> hi,
> > Yes, I think maybe it is, but I have some things I want to try which will
> > make WarpJPEG just as fast as akJFIF, if not faster. In fact, I've
> > already made it 15% faster, which brings it very close to the speed of
> > akJFIF. An update will follow once I've got the other speed improvements
> > working.

Hmpf... one question... why all grayscale jpegs are blacks-only for me? [whole
image is black]
