WarpUp (250/442)

From:Alin Ageu
Date:16 Dec 99 at 23:05:35
Subject:[warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards

Hello Joseph

On 15-Dez-99, you wrote:

> "Marion E. Wyatt" wrote:
>>> That is the idea behind the BOXER; they licensed the Amiga
>>> chip-set, then made a compatible design with modern techniques
>>> and improvements... better memory support and access, PCI
>>> support, etc. Too bad they didn't make PPC on the motherboard,
>>> but you can't have everything.
>> That is where 3rd party PPC cards come into play. :) Are the BoXeRs in
>> production yet?
> Last I heard, they were delayed to add USB to the motherboard.
> I just hope they don't delay again to add FireWire. :^}
since when is this Boxer announced ??
I think it has been announced 1/2 year before P5 came up with the G3/G4
boards. And what have we got so far ? BOXER-Shorts? Sure a prototype exists
(shown in cologne 1998) but since then it has been so often redesigned,
that i dont believe that it will be released before G3/G4 Boards from P5.

All the boxes announced by phase5(ABox , PreBox) didnt come because it was
no OS available to run these machines. AmigaOS was considered first, but
someone who wants to earn money and he is only looking and waiting AMIGA
Inc.to do a OS can not succeed as we have seen. This is in my opinion the
only reason why P5 announced to support QNX. These boards are (will be)
also build to support developers who want to write QNX-Programs for the
planed AmiRage. The possibility to run AmigaOS is only for a small period
of time, as nearly all developers are not willing to be convinced to write
software for the AmigaOS and trough the POSIX compatibility of QNX and the
usage of the GCC-compiler it is more easy to port Linux apps to QNX.