WarpUp (232/442)

From:Alan Lee Maurice Buxey
Date:16 Dec 99 at 15:21:22
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards


> decision was actually made, please show a link to this news, Phase 5's web
> site doesn't mention a final decision on this. I do think an AGP port would
> be quite interesting.

look again at the Phase5 web site - it does clearly mention that it'll now
have AGP

> I thought Power Computing licensed the PowerUP line as Phase 5 wre NOT
> currently or recently building any, they had stopped production. And the

yes, with DCE makign the hardware

> box or whatever. If all I wanted was a machine to run UAE on I'd have sold
> out and got an Athlon Wincrap box by now.

;-) exactly
