WarpUp (223/442)

Date:16 Dec 99 at 11:17:05
Subject:Re: [warpup] Something about G3/G4 cards

Thomas Frieden wrote:

> > The last news from Phase5 is that they will use the same PCI/Memory
> > controller as IBM (including AGP) and that LinuxPPC will be available
> > for this cards shipping 1st q 2000.
> I just don't see what AGP has to do with Linux..
LinuxPPC will provide some support for AGP gfx boards using the same
controller as the card from Phase5, so he supposes that is could help
having the same support on Phase5's G4 board with that controller.

> > I also think that it is possible for P5 to make a standalone mainboard
> > instead of a accelerator card (something like the new Mac's with no
> > serial/parallel port). since the board provides USB, it will be no
> > problem to make a ATX-sized mainboard out of it with more PCI-slots
> > and standard SDRAM- DIMM -slots.
> I don't see what USB has to do with ATX, PCI or SDRAM..
USB can handle many peripherals such as kb, mouse, zip, serial,
printer, scanner, etc. So it can reduce the motherboard size as we don't
need any serial, parallel, floppy drive, etc, controller. This reduction
helping fitting the board in an ATX sizeed box.

> > Lets stop complaining about all things and enter a common path for the
> > future of the spirit of Amiga.(I think no programmer is willing to
> > support 3 standards if escena, P5,metabox and maybe H&P will do
> > separate incompatible solutions for G3/G4 implementation)
> That's why most developers settle for WarpUp, it doesn't need a P5 dongle
> to run.
Right, and WarpOS is the only kernel to have a sufficient HAL to handle
those boards without any change in the API, unlike what we'll see if
board get available whithout WarpOS.

In fact, I don't condamn there way to do, but what I condamn is Phase5
willing to give any G4 board prototype to H&P for no sufficient reason