WarpUp (203/442)

From:David ZISLIN
Date:15 Dec 99 at 18:16:18
Subject:[warpup] Re: WarpOS problems

Hello Mr.Return,

On 14-d�c-99, you wrote:

M> Hello Kolbj�rn
M> On 14-Dez-99, you wrote:
M>>> BTW: AMP 1.30 is faster than any other MPEG Video Player...
M>> Not true, frogger under powerup is.
M> Yap, that�s right. AMP tell the higher framerates (~30fps with Bill.mpg),
M> but nevertheless Frogger "feels" faster. And Frogger has better support
M> for overlay on CybervisionPPC.

When i want to play an mpeg anim with sound on my system (BlizzardPPC
603e+/160 - 68040/25), i'll use AMP which gives better results. I have
small silence with Frogger that i don't have with AMP. Note that i play
the anims from my SCSI Harddrive.

But it's true Frogger is faster for mpeg anim without sounds !

Best regards

David ZISLIN aka Zet : zislind@club-internet.fr