WarpUp (142/442)

From:Robert Nilsson
Date:13 Dec 99 at 23:25:21
Subject:[warpup] Re: WarpOS problems

Hello Tore

On 13-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Hi Robert..
>> Hello,
>> I have had some huge problems with WarpOS the last few days. I haven't
>> installed any new programs so I can't find the problem. It used to run
>> for hours no problems at all, now every program that uses WarpOS hangs
>> after 5-10 min. The strange part is that ppc.library works better than
>> ever and I can leave it on without crashes. I took apart my computer
>> (A3000) and checked the INT2 patch and reseated all socketed chips. But
>> it didn't help! It has always been the oposite: WarpOS working great and
>> ppc.lib hanging after 5-10min. I don't get it. I'm using OS3.5 and have a
>> CSPPC 233 Mhz with a 25 Mhz 040. I have tried with and without the CSPPC
>> 233 fix and that doesn't help. Anyone who has an idea of what the error
>> might be. I have removed AkDatatypes as I thought that it was the
>> datatypes that were causing the problems, that didn't help either. So
>> here I am running ppc.library again :(
> I see from your website that you run RC5.. Nice..

Of course!! :=)

> My question to you is..
> What crashes ? Warp OS exceptions ?

Yes... WarpOS exceptions. Ok I will try to add an extra fan near the
ppc-card. But it is a bit strange, because it's even more unstable when it's
cold, like when I turn on the computer.

> I have in the last few weeks had that.. And I have traced it back to
> an overheating PPC chip. I have also discussed the problem with
> Frank Wille and and he agrees it seems like the problem for most users
> with the 233mhz ppc card is overheating..

Hmm... I will try cooling it a bit more and see if that helps

> Tore

Robert Nilsson

Robert Nilsson
Tel: +46-418-53007
Fax: +46-418-53013

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