WarpUp (132/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:12 Dec 99 at 23:55:22
Subject:[warpup] Re: Test

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> While I understand the need to concentrate on drivers for one or two cards
ow> just to get things going in the beginning, I don't want to see any long-term
ow> restriction like this. I think we should be able to write P96 or CGX drivers

You misunderstood Sam. His point was it is no sense in wasting implementation
time by writing drivers for a lot of Boards at once... nobody can hinder you
in writing Drivers for yet another Board, of course.
Sam's point was that if this project goes
ahead AOSPPC wouldn't ship with more than 1-2 drivers i think...

ow> But certainly once AmigaOS is PPC native on a POP board, I would love to see
ow> the fastest possible PPC with Altivec in it, with the fastest possible
ow> graphics card in it. We certainly shouldn't have to throw away hardware every

But this is not the thing to focus on right now. even "not the best" GFX
Boards outside the Amiga market BLOW AWAY what we have on Amiga right now. I
prefer "state of the art hardware for real" to "even better, but
not sure if it will ever appear, as too much developer resources are wasted
by using up too much time for doing dozens of drivers".

ow> drivers to happen by someone, somewhere, who has enough free time...

Surely, this should always be possible. But it makes no sense writing Drivers
for Dozens of Boards, limiting the Developer resources for the OS by doing
so... for doing the OS ONE GFX Board
driver is enough, basically spoken... or maybe two
that there is a bit range of choice... other stuff could always come later...
i am sure Sam meant this.

Steffen Haeuser