WarpUp (112/442)

Date:10 Dec 99 at 20:44:13
Subject:Re: [warpup] Mailing list AmigaGuide.

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Tim Hanson wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was thinking of doing a monthly amiga.guide of postings to this list for
> upload to aminet.
> Opinions please.

It would be very helpfull if you took the time and effort to group the
questions with the answers.
Personally I prefer HTML a whole lot more than AmigaGuide coz then I can
view it on my Sun E450 box, PalmPilot or Laptop also ;)

I would say it's a good idea as some people might not want to subscribe
coz of the traffic, besides the monthly updates could be made available on
fex. Amiga Format cover CD.

Go for it Tim :)

Virtually Yours,


Thomas Hansen, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway
"Minus infinity: The smallest [number that can be represented in a
particular type of variable], but not necessarily or even usually the
simple negation of plus infinity."
(Eric Raymond, The new Hacker's Dictionary, 1991)