C (99/207)

From:Ilkka Lehtoranta
Date:13 Dec 99 at 17:45:22
Subject:Re: Multithreading + gfx cards

From: Ilkka Lehtoranta <iti@solutions.fi>

Hello Allan

On 13-Jou-99, you wrote:

AO>> I had trouble just with "Text" functions writing to the maintask's
AO>> rastport. It crashed randomly, at the finish, I simply used
AO>> my sub task to fill a buffer with the ascii then Signal() the main
AO>> task to render it...
AO> This sounds weird. Few OS structures contain e.g. a message port, and is
AO> therefor bound to a certain task - but everybody can render to a
AO> rastport, so I'm quite sure something else was wrong with your program.

AFAIR you have to duplicate a rastport if you are renderining to the
from other processes... Although I couldn't verify this from autodocs or
RKM I recall this is mentioned somewhere in RKM (???)...