C (51/207)

From:Emanuele Cesaroni
Date:06 Dec 99 at 07:47:51
Subject:Re: Process/Task confusion

From: Emanuele Cesaroni <emacesa@tin.it>

Hello Martyn

On 05-Dic-99, you wrote:

> From: Martyn Capewell <mmc28@hermes.cam.ac.uk>
> Hello,
> I'm confused about the capabilities of tasks and processes. For example,
> it true I can't use dos library functions, or anything that may invoke one
> of those functions from a task?

Yes, you can call dos.library functions from your program when starts,
it is a process.
Instead you can not call dos.library from a subtask (a child) created by
your main task, by CreateTask(), because it is an exec task.

> If I start a program from Workbench (rather than a shell), is it running
> a task or a process? And if it is running as a task, how do I use dos
> functions from it?

It is a process, and yes, you can call dos.library functions.

> Finally, what does AllocDosObject() do? The autodocs don't seem to help.

Sorry, i don't know.

> > Thanks,
