C (26/207)

Date:03 Dec 99 at 08:06:03
Subject:Antwort: Re: creating makefiles

From: Raimund.Dold@bgt.de

The problem with makefiles is that they use tabs as separators. Up to
GoldEd 6 the editor did not save tabs, it converted them to spaces while
writing, basically destroying the makefile. The current versions do not
have any problems with makefiles.


Schulze_Michael@t-online.de (Micha!?) on 02.12.99 11:13:22

Bitte antworten an amiga-c@onelist.com

An: amiga-c@onelist.com
Thema: [amiga-c] Re: creating makefiles

From: Schulze_Michael@t-online.de (Micha!?)

Hello, Stephen

> I'm afraid I can't divulge any secrets about makefiles as I haven't got
> :-) The only advice I can give is to study existing makefiles and try
> understand how they work, as this is how I learnt. What I tend to do
> is run a make-makefile program and edit it where necessary.

One problem I've discovered is, when I edit a makefile with GoldED, 'make'
gives an error 'missing separator'. If I use emacs , it works fine. But
when I load this makefile to GoldED and save it unchanged, it becomes
(in bytes) and 'make' brings that error :/
I guess the ' ' (I don't have the english word ATM, I mean that
you do with the space-bar...;) are responsible.



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The loud ones only take the credit."

Londo Mollari, "BABYLON 5: In The Beginning"