C (193/207)

From:Malek Bengougam
Date:29 Dec 99 at 10:33:45
Subject:Re: GCC & Cybergraphics

From: "Malek Bengougam" <malek_b@hotmail.com>


Accidentally I deleted a mail concerning compiling cgfx programs with
GCC...as I remember what was the pbl, here is my answer:
What is missing is the cybergraphics.h inline file. You need to generate it
by yourself using fd2inline which you feed with cybergraphics.fd (on the
cgx4 CD)...
For EGCS PowerUp/WarpUp you should use the fd2inline from the PPCdev
package..then typing fd2inline -powerup (or -ppc, I don't remember exactly

et voila ;)

Etonnant non ?
Malek 'Season/Virtualize'