C (190/207)

From:Nuno Trancoso
Date:28 Dec 99 at 17:52:47
Subject:Re: Setting up GCC

From: Nuno Trancoso <ng13577a@netc.pt>

Hya Allan

> Argh! Maybe we should ban that user or disallow attachments, cause this is too
> much! Atleast you could have compressed the file... :-(

Ban is not necessary. Comon sense is. You're right. The compressed file with
LZX would take 1/3 it's size. But it would be even better if he had written the
attachment contents on the msg subject. I already have GEEK GADGETS (1&2)
but i downloaded the msg because i didn't knew what was in it.

Maybe in further attachments ppl could consider to LZX/LHA the files and
write a description on the msg subject. If they do so, we can reject unwanted
stuff when we start the download from the server (at least with YAM, but i guess
other mailers do that too)

My 2cents worth of opinion :))

Cya L8r,

aka Nuno Trancoso

Infinity takes it's time.