C (170/207)

Date:24 Dec 99 at 20:41:45
Subject:Re: SE version 6.58 Bug?

From: meyersfamily <meyersfamily@home.com>

Well I get a lock up whenever I've tried to save any changes to se.dat,
and yes I rechecked my paths etc... I even reinstalled the whole SAS/C
system and all patches up to 6.58

I noticed (purely by accident) that my Diskmaster 2 was using the 6.57
version that I had copied into C:. It successfully saved it's configuration
settings with no problems.

-----------Reply Seperator---------
> From: Bob Lanham <bobl@jaxproductions.com>
>> Anyone else noticed that SAS/C editor SE version 6.58 is broke regarding
>> configuration settings?
> I've used it to change the text colors, and had no problems. What
> problem did it give you?

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner