C (148/207)

From:Adrien HEMERY
Date:22 Dec 99 at 20:28:51
Subject:Re: SUPERBITMAP window

Hello Duane

> InitBitMap() isn't enough to set up a BitMap. Are you filling in
> the plane pointers array manually? Are you seeing valid data on
> the screen when you try to address it?

i enclosed the code i use (sorry, i'm french, but if you are stuck, i'll
translate). What i want to do is to setup a double buffer display inside a
window (to catch IDCMP events) which is under CyberGraphx V4.

> ScrollVPort() will indeed do as you describe. As for the how part,
> all is revealed in the AutoDocs. How RTG patches implement this
> is private, but from an OCS/ECS/AGA point of view all this function
> does is recalculate the bitplane pointers and write them back into
> the BPLx copper registers in the ViewPort's copperlist ready for
> the next frame so you get very cheap double buffering
> (graphics.library doesn't need to call MergeCop() just to do
> buffering, hence it's a pretty cheap call).
