C (143/207)

From:Tim Corringham
Date:22 Dec 99 at 14:12:24
Subject:Re: Version String, CPU detection

From: tim@ramjam.u-net.com (Tim Corringham)

Hi Fritsch

> I found an example somewhere on Developer Disk 1.2 and used the following
> line in my c-program:
> char versiontag[] = "\0$VER: af_mksstv 0.1 (19.12.1999)";
> The name of the program is af_mksstv, the version should be 0.1 and the date
> of the source is Dec 19th 1999. When I type
> version af_mksstv FULL
> I see
> af_mksstv 0.1 (15.07.94)
> So whats wrong here?
The date in the $VERS string should be (dd.mm.yy)

The output of the version command is then adjusted according to the
locale preferences set up by the user. For year 2000, use 100 as the
year etc.
