C (136/207)

From:Fritsch Alexander
Date:22 Dec 99 at 09:59:41
Subject:Version String, CPU detection

From: Fritsch Alexander <Alexander.Fritsch@icn.siemens.de>

could someone tell me how the format of a version string has to be?
I found an example somewhere on Developer Disk 1.2 and used the following
line in my c-program:

char versiontag[] = "\0$VER: af_mksstv 0.1 (19.12.1999)";

The name of the program is af_mksstv, the version should be 0.1 and the date
of the source is Dec 19th 1999. When I type

version af_mksstv FULL

I see

af_mksstv 0.1 (15.07.94)

So whats wrong here?

Then I want to compile my program for 68020 CPU as a 68000 with 7Mhz is too
slow. But the program must not crash on an 68000-Amiga. How should I check
this with SAS-C? I want to output an error-message if the CPU type is to

Kind regards Alexander Fritsch