C (121/207)

From:Martyn Capewell
Date:15 Dec 99 at 20:11:55
Subject:Re: Assigns and Layers

From: Martyn Capewell <mmc28@hermes.cam.ac.uk>

Hello Olaf

On 15-Dec-99, you wrote:

> From: "Olaf Barthel" <olsen-amigac@sourcery.han.de>
> On Dec 14 Allan (Allan Odgaard) wrote:
>> From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
>> On 13-Dec-99, Martyn Capewell wrote:
>> On an unrelated note, how do I make a window in which the background
>> shows through?
>> Specify "WA_BackFill, LAYERS_NOBACKFILL" while creating the window, it'll
>> be too late to fix it afterwards.
> Take care. Due to a bug in layers.library V39 the layer created can
> still be erased when it appears. It helps to make the layer created of the
> simple refresh type.

And v40 too. I couldn't get Allan's suggestion to work, and then I came
across your mail, made the window simple, and it worked. Thanks.

Now, how do I update the transparent image if I move the window?


- Martyn Capewell
{ Compsci, University of Cambridge }
{ http://members.xoom.com/legerdemain0 }