C (12/207)

From:Stephen Illingworth
Date:01 Dec 99 at 23:51:23
Subject:Re: creating makefiles

From: Stephen Illingworth <stevei@firewall.co.uk>

> And where can I get information how to build my makefiles alone ? And
> please tell me about that 'heavy wizardry'. Maybe in private mail...but I
> think there are other people on this list who want to know that, too...

I'm afraid I can't divulge any secrets about makefiles as I haven't got any
:-) The only advice I can give is to study existing makefiles and try to
understand how they work, as this is how I learnt. What I tend to do now,
is run a make-makefile program and edit it where necessary.

One thing to remember however, is not to trust your makefile too much. For
example, if you find some strange "happenings" in a program you would
otherwise expect to work correctly, don't neglect the possibility that the
makefile hasn't compiled an important source file. I must stress that this
is unlikely to be a problem with the make utility and more likely a problem
with how you've defined the makefile rules - this has happened to me on
more than one occasion ;-(

Respect, Steve