Blitz (412/459)

From:David McMinn
Date:26 Jan 2000 at 09:58:26
Subject:Re: Window & Screen Structures

Hi Bippy

> Well I'm trying to convert some simple C code to blitz, in helping me
> understand OS stuff.. and I have the following line :-
> handle_window_events (struct Window *)

Well, thats a function prototype, so it is just declaring the
function. You'll find the actual function somewhere later on like:

void handle_window_events (struct Window *win)

Thats the only bit you need to convert (the actual function, not the
prototype). It would end up like this:

Statement handle_window_events{*win.Window}
End Statement

> and also the following :-
> struct Screen *my_screen;
> How would I convert these?

DEFTYPE.Screen *my_screen

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