Blitz (366/459)

From:Evan Tuer
Date:24 Jan 2000 at 19:06:28
Subject:Re: Fake mouse and keyboard

Hi Dave.

> > Any idea anyone? It struck me as a bit OS-ish, so I stopped
> > thinking about it :)
> Got to love the OS. Same as Kai's request the other week, as far as
> sending keypresses to the program is concerned (I think). As for
> grabbing the mouse clicks when over string gadgets etc (thats what you
> meant?) dunno. You could probably use a global edit hook (complicated)
> and that might not work properly if you use it on MUI and other crappy
> GUI things that don't use gadtools.

All I need is to know when a string gadget is activated, and has got
an orange cursor in it. And then, yes, send keypresses as before.

> Or, you could do something incredibly sneaky, like the MonIDCMP
> program does. You tell it to monitor a window (by title) and then it
> takes a copy of that window's IDCMP port and replaces it by its own
> message port. So all the IDCMP messages go to MonIDCMP's message port
> first, where it can do whatever it wants. It then passes them on to
> the window. So instead of passing them on, you'd probably want to
> change them to keypress events.

Hmm, having tried that, it seems like it would work, but all I get
back is the coordinates of the mouse pointer or at best the ID of
the gadget (so it would need to be told how to use a given program,
which would suck).. Err. Is there any reference to the gadget type
in the IDCMP data? It seems not :(

Hey by the way I found a great Kevin Warwick quote the other day,
I'll email you it.


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