Blitz (25/459)

From:Lorenzo Tanganelli
Date:6 Jan 2000 at 11:58:46
Subject:Hello... and some questions!

I'm new of this list and I have some question about some commands of the
Blitz Basic language. Now I'm writing a nice and simply program that use
shapes to do buttons-image using gadtools. Well, the program load 4 shapes
(in the iff format).
LoadShape 0,"hd1:hello.iff"
LoadShape 1,"hd1:goodbye.iff"
LoadShape 2,"hd1:lore.iff"
LoadShape 3,"hd1:home.iff"

Then I use the command GTShape to create a simply button gadget.

GTShape 0,0,0,0,0,0,2
....and other GTShape gadgets.....

With the last two numbers (0,2) I tell my program that this button gadget
have to have the first shape (0) as image when the gadget isn't put down
and the shape 2 when the button is put down by a simply click of the mouse.
If I load only two shapes this is ok, but if I load more than 2 shapes the
program uses as image for the button clicked tha last that he has loaded
(this for *all* the button-shapes that I've done). Why? I've correct the
mistake using the same shape for all button when they are clicked..... but
it is less nice.... and why if I use the same image the program doesn't use
the last shape loaded?

Another question...:)....:

Is there a command in the Amiga mode that return the x coordinates of the
mouse? (And the same for the y...)

I hope you reply me.....

PS: I'm italian, so if you find some errors in this text I'm sorry and I
hope you tell me where is the error and why is an error so I do 2 things in
a time: I learn Blitz and English!...:)


I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
-- Oscar Wilde

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