Blitz (20/459)

From:Davide Zipeto
Date:5 Jan 2000 at 20:54:22
Subject:Re: info on superted

Hello Sandy

On 04-Gen-00, Sandy Brownlee wrote:

> Shouldn't that be RAMIGA + HELP?
thanx, I can get help for basic command too

finally I understand. tell me if I'm right.

When press Ramiga+help you get the command blitz2:help provided by
RWE. Help load the help.dat file and ted pass the number of command required.
Eg. for str$ ted launch the command blitz2:help dd83.

And with LSHIFT+HELP you get amigaguide loading the appropriate guide file.
The parameters are passed by a rexx script.

So the question is: why they are .guide files [ and] that contains commands like for, read and so on, if they are
unreachable from superted ?

There is a file called redhelp.dat in blitz2:redhelp/ that contains all
library number and their relative guide. Something is wrong but I don't know
what it is :-(

Any ideas ?

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