Arexx (66/92)

Date:21 Jan 2000 at 07:37:05
Subject:Re: File-Read


Hi Bryan, on Jan 20 you wrote:

> From: "Bryan K. Williams" <>
> Hello Donald
> On 18-Jan-00, Donald Dalley wrote:
> > You have two basic choices: read line by line (READLN);
> Just wanted to add here something I found out about ReadLn() the hard
> way. It has a limit of 1,000 characters before it will just truncate. I
> know, what crazy text file has a single line of over 1,000 characters :^)
> It's just something I've never seen in any docs and it can be quite a
> frustrating error to track down.

Yes, Arexx also reads more than a line if possible (internaly buffering
the extra chacters for the next call to readln() or readch() ). This can
cause problems at times.

In a shell...

rx "call open(fh,'pipe:a','R');say readln(fh)"

In another shell

copy con: pipe:a

Type a few lines into the con:. Nothing from the rexx command. Close the
con: (ctrl \) and you get the first line.


BTW some 'special' pipes have a way to overcome this. ;-D

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