AmigaOS3.5 (844/968)

From:Palle Larsen
Date:28 Jan 2000 at 22:40:56
Subject:Re: Features & Enhancements in OS3.5

From: Palle Larsen <>

Hi Adam!

Den 28-Jan-00 skrev Adam Szymczak:

AS>> It shows all the columns here, so here it works fine.
AS> Perhaps you are using a DIFFERENT font then me (helvetica 15) - or even

it COULD BE ;)


AS> a different screen resolution (1024x768 here). And if that is true, that

I use 1024*768*16, so here it's the same.

AS> partially implies that the width of the Mounter window is not sensitive
AS> to font size ;)

Hmmmm, I have to try helv15 ;))

I'll be back ;)

Best Wishes
Palle Larsen


ICQ: 15538608 Nick: SkodSoft

I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
-- Oscar Wilde

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