AmigaOS3.5 (83/968)

Date:2 Jan 2000 at 22:09:09
Subject:Re: Outline font fix.

From: "A.P.Teijl" <>

Hello Moses

Op 02-jan-00 schreef Moses Wildermuth:

>MW From: Moses Wildermuth <>
>MW Hello
>MW I got it working, all is well. Thanks for all the help. It was a
>MW combination of things.
>MW>> Hello I was reading about the outline fonts IIRC there is a new programm
>MW>> on the Aminet that gives you outline fonts on OS 3.5 . Just give a
>MW>> search for outline.

Glad to be of help


Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Aad Teijl

My Pride

A4000 (Bigtower),Warpengine 040 40Mhz (120Mb Fast),

Picco SD64,Delfina Lite

Plextor 40x

Yamaha 4x4x16


Happily Running OS3.5,Dopus Magellan 5.82 as WRM & CyberGraphXV4

Waiting for my Cyberstorm G4 & CybervisionNG

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