AmigaOS3.5 (755/968)

From:Harry Runge
Date:27 Jan 2000 at 15:59:51
Subject:RE: TurboPrint7.06

From: Harry Runge <>

On Tue, Jan 25, 2000, at 03:01 AM, Kenwyn Smith wrote:

> Or you could install Turboprint 7, I had the same page feed problem
> until I installed TP7. I can't help but give it 2 thumbs up.

Ken and All TP7'ers,

I have run across a problem with OS3.5 and TP7's Graphics Publisher
(GfXPub). I created a collage, a grouping of five different jpeg photo
images which were scanned via ScanTrax. These were arranged: Two at the;
one in the center; two at the bottom. I won't go into details here because
the collage printed from GfXPub at TurboPrint Prefs settings:
Density-5:1200x600, Medium-High Glossy HG, Quality-High.

This was with OS3.1.

Tried printing the same Collage under OS3.5 and GfXPub crashed. After much
experimentation, I found that I could print successfully if I reduced the
TP7 Prefs settings to Density-600x600, Medium-Inkjet HR, Quality-High.
I tried the same technique with scans done with OS3.5. I could print at
the settings shown in paragraph 1 with two images place one directly above
the other. However if I placed these side by side or added a third
centered below, GfXPub would crash. Reducing the TP7 Prefs settings as
just noted printed successfully.

This was with OS3.5

This may be peculiar to my system but I would appreciate any input. I did
email IrseeSoft but have not had a response as yet, but do not expect one
for another week or so. Anyone run across this? Will provide details
privately or to the list as requested.


A4000D: Spectrum; DKB3128 (128Megs FastRam); Spitfire SCSI; Seagate Ide 1Gig
****** 4 Quantums SCSI (4 Gigs) - 3 floppies (one HD) - Yamaha CRW4416S
HP5P ScanJet - Zoom 33.6 FaxModem - Toshiba XM5401
Compaq 15"VGA - DCTV - DigiView - Canon7000 - OS3.5 - CgX4.2 - PFS3.3

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