AmigaOS3.5 (71/968)

From:Olaf Barthel
Date:2 Jan 2000 at 16:39:55
Subject:Re: Re: What picture.datatype with OS 3.5/Picasso96?

From: "Olaf Barthel" <>

On Dec 31 Moses (Moses Wildermuth) wrote:

> From: Moses Wildermuth <>
> Hello Olaf
> On 31-Dec-99, Olaf Barthel wrote:
> > From: "Olaf Barthel" <>
> >
> > On Dec 29 Martin (Martin Steigerwald) wrote:
> >
> >> From: "Martin Steigerwald" <>
> >>
> >>
> >>> As for datatype I would personally go for the AK's and supplement with
> >>
> >> akTIFF doesn't decode most of the TIFF images I throw at it, some
> >> other TIFF datatype of AmiNet does.
> >>
> >> If you have images that won't be decoded properly using the OS 3.5
> >> datatypes it may be a good idea if you send an example to Olaf
> >> Barthel? Do you agree, Olaf?
> >
> > As long as the matchine datatype is included and the size of
> > the picture isn't greater than 500K.
> >
> I wanted to use OS3.5 datatypes, as they seemed very fast and modern, but I
> get "out of memory" error when I try to view certain jpegs with OS3.5
> datatypes. They are actually very small 40-60k each.

The size of a JPEG format file doesn't say much about the size of
the raster image. How many pixels in size are these pictures?

> I switched back to
> picture43.41 and my old ak set and could view them again. A later set of
> posts talk about progressive jpegs. I can now probably assume that the
> pictures I had trouble with are progressive too. Can I mix and match a
> little more? i.e. does running ver 45.x picture and jpeg dt's preclude me
> from running AKLJPG(the progressive variety)? Can I just update the super
> class(picture) and leave the old ak's the same?

The jpeg.datatype that came with the AmigaOS 3.5 should be able
to handle both varieties, including the progressive format.

Home: Olaf Barthel, Brabeckstrasse 35, D-30559 Hannover
Net: (Home), (Work)

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