AmigaOS3.5 (699/968)

From:John S. Burger
Date:25 Jan 2000 at 00:44:42
Subject:Re: Re: Deficons44 and chip mem

From: "John S. Burger" <>

On or about 23-Jan-00 22:57:10 Leon Davidoff typed the following words
about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Deficons44 and chip mem". My reply is thus...

Hi Leon,

LD> Sounds like good advice for AGA users. What about us folks who run
LD> CGX/Cybervision64D and don't use WbCtrl/FBlit?

LD> Another question. As far as I know FBlit is only for systems that
LD> don't have graphics cards. Does WbCtrl do anything to help out
LD> graphics card users?

FBlit is of no use if you have a Gfx card. As far as WBCtrl, it does help
with a Cfx card. I don't use WB, I use DOpus in WB replacement mode. I get
about 150K back. Up to 1.922megs.

Not that it matters much since I have a GFX card. However, it is nice to
know that it works.


*Thor - US Registration Site - WebVision*

This message was composed on *24-Jan-0 17:39:16 MST*
Via Thor V2.6a

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