AmigaOS3.5 (692/968)

From:John S. Burger
Date:25 Jan 2000 at 00:04:30
Subject:Re: Re: GoldEd printing and OS3.5

From: "John S. Burger" <>

On or about 23-Jan-00 21:50:19 Jon Peterson typed the following words
about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: GoldEd printing and OS3.5". My reply is thus...

Hi Jon,

JP> From: Jon Peterson <>

JP> Hello John

JP> On 23-Jan-00, you wrote:

>> From: "John S. Burger" <>

>> Has anyone that uses GoldEd had a problem printing with OS 3.5?

>> I have GoldED commercial V6.2.3 with service pack 13 installed. If the
>> printer prefs are set to asynchronous printing then selecting print from
>> the menu or tool bar results in a continuous busy pointer and nothing is
>> sent to the printer. If asynchronous printing is turned off, printing
>> works just fine. This occurs with both OS 3.5 and 3.5 + BB1.

>> Printing in both modes works fine with OS 3.1.

JP> I seem to remember being able to print with OS3.1 also. However, with
JP> the new
JP> 6.15 and OS3.5 I have been unable to get anything to go to the
JP> printer. could you be so kind as to give me the method in setting this
JP> thing up correctly. Too many config options and I cannot find anything
JP> saying where to direct the print output - PAR:, PRT: etc.. Any info
JP> appreciated. tks Regards

GoldED is filetype based. Look in the menu "Extras/Customize" and select
the Text file type. Text is the default and there is a Printer setting. It
allows you to change various settings. It does not let you to change the
destination. IIRC it uses PRT: by default which should not be a problem.

All GED filetypes use the Text file type as default unless you add the
various options to a different file type and then change the settings for
that file type.

Having said that, your OS printer prefs should be set to either Parallel
(usually) or serial depending what kind of printer you have. That is unless
you have a third party I/O card.


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This message was composed on *24-Jan-0 16:50:40 MST*
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