AmigaOS3.5 (624/968)

Date:23 Jan 2000 at 17:20:00
Subject:Re: Memory usage

From: "J.G." <>

Hello Alex

On 23-Jan-00, you wrote:

> From: Alex <>
> Hello Jeff,
> you wrote on 22-Jan-00 about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Memory usage":
>> Hidden options? like memory vaporizing? Maybe if they offered OS 3.5 with
>> a standard looking WB like 3.1 without those silly glowicons and let the
>> end user still use Newicons or magicWB icons then there might not be a
>> memory problem as there never was in 3.1 with newicons used. so since
>> going to os 3.5 there is 2mb of MORE fast Ram and approximatly 300k to
>> 800k more chip mem used..for some glowicons? what I want to know is, how
>> can I delete glowicons and use icons such as Prolite newicons that are
>> more simple and smaller and do not leech memory?
> I don't know how many times we had on the list on how to avoid the chipmem
> usage of the WB, if you don't want to install those tools (if you have a
> GFX board, WBCtrl just FLICKS THE SWITCH, it runs once, ITS NOT EVEN A
> HACK!!!), well, your problem.
> I don't know what you mean with "silly GlowIcons", if you don't understand
> that OS 3.5 uses an entirely *new* icon format that has nothing do to with
> neither the old images nor NewIcons but provides compatibility to those
> two icon systems, none can help you. Face the facts! If its just the look
> of the icons that disturbs you, even worse. If you like icon images hidden
> in your tooltypes, well, what can I say...
> If you want the OS 3.1 functionality, then why don't you revert to OS 3.1,
> install NewIcons again, and let go OS 3.5 if you don't like it? Stop your
> CONSTANT nagging and moaning on the list, there's better things to discuss
> than your inability to install WBCtrl (there is no chipmem used once its
> been run!) or why you don't like the new GlowIcons.

For your information, i am running WBCTRL & FBLIT and i have about 1.6mb of
chip and almost 2mb of fast consumed additionally to what I got from 3.1,
when i ran 3.1 I had around 1.9mb of chip. and YES I Have a picasso gfx

So Alex, as you can see I am using them and there is still no answer to it.
ANd YES, I think glowicons are silly, but that is my preference. The main
thing here is still the BIG memory use..maybe some with 100+ mb of ram do
not worry about it but others do.

Appreciate your answer even though it had little effect to solving the
problem. Alex, next time try to ask what an individual is using instead of
assuming everything, and we know what assume means..heh.

Have a nice day.

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