AmigaOS3.5 (567/968)

From:Alexander Perez
Date:22 Jan 2000 at 05:35:27
Subject:Re: Print cables

From: Alexander Perez <>

Hello J

On 21-Jan-00, J & J Wasilewski wrote:
> From: "J & J Wasilewski" <>

>>> PMFJIH, but since we're talking about printers, I have a question. Do
>> we
>>> still need special Amiga printer cables? I remeber a time when we did
>> due
>>> to the extra voltage lines our parallel ports provide. Very bad thing
>> for
>>> most printers. Also, if standard cables are fine, what's the longest
>> that
>>> can reliable run on an Amiga?
>> I have a regular PC printer cable hooked from my Amiga 4000 to my
>> laserjet
>> III printer. This cable is six foot.

> Good grief. I didn't know we ever needed special cables. I just
> stuck in a Centronics // cable and it worked. Am I just dead lucky,
> or what?

> I'm talking about a 1200 btw, but I also did the same with a 500 a
> while ago. Is this really just luck?

Guess tha market settled since 1988 when I got my printer. I tested with a
multimeter to make sure (back then). There were several pinouts available, I
just needed to make sure certain pins, thogh physically present at both ends,
had no real connection between them. I used to donate my services at an
Amiga shop back then and this was a common thing we did before selling
cables. Guess the market for different printer cables has settled. :) I was
just curious if this was still the case since I forgot exactly which pins
were the culprit and am looking to get a longer cable for my printer.
Thankfully someone posted a fairly good discription of the pins involved.
Now where did I put that multimeter... :)


+-------------[Alexander Perez: ICQ 28041698]-------------+
| Amiga 4000T: Warp Engine 40/40 48MB, Micronik Tower |
| Toaster, P-IV [Concierto], PPak, A4066 |
| Buddha/Catweasel & Kylwalda |
| Running OS3.5/Dopus-MII, NetBSD 3.1 |
| Amiga 1200T: Blizzard 1260 48MB, Power Tower |
| EB IDE expander, Kylwalda |
| Running OS3.1 |

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