AmigaOS3.5 (517/968)

From:Alexander Perez
Date:21 Jan 2000 at 01:56:58
Subject:Re: Print trouble.

From: Alexander Perez <>

Hello Jon

On 20-Jan-00, Jon Peterson wrote:
> From: Jon Peterson <>

> And while we're on the subject of printer problems.... I have a new HP970C
> and now every (well, just about) time I turn the computer on or off, the
> printer does a page feed. Any ideas on the whys and wherefores? How to
> stop it?

PMFJIH, but since we're talking about printers, I have a question. Do we
still need special Amiga printer cables? I remeber a time when we did due to
the extra voltage lines our parallel ports provide. Very bad thing for most
printers. Also, if standard cables are fine, what's the longest that can
reliable run on an Amiga?


+-------------[Alexander Perez: ICQ 28041698]-------------+
| Amiga 4000T: Warp Engine 40/40 48MB, Micronik Tower |
| Toaster, P-IV [Concierto], PPak, A4066 |
| Buddha/Catweasel & Kylwalda |
| Running OS3.5/Dopus-MII, NetBSD 3.1 |
| Amiga 1200T: Blizzard 1260 48MB, Power Tower |
| EB IDE expander, Kylwalda |
| Running OS3.1 |

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