AmigaOS3.5 (384/968)

From:Vincent Gouret
Date:15 Jan 2000 at 01:06:38
Subject:Re: Freezed mails

From: "Vincent Gouret" <>

> From: Jean-Pierre Sola <>
> Hello,
> Since 3 days I have had a problem with the 4 following mails from this ML.
> 2'781 Alex Re: Memory use with BB1 12-jan-00 @ 527
> 3'280 Don Cox Re: 3.5 IPrefs and AFR 12-jan-00 @ 609
> 3'022 Michael M. Rye Re: Memory Use with BB1 13-jan-00 @ 657
> 2'689 Uffe Holst Re: MUI dead? 14-jan-00 @ 741
> The problem is that YAM (2.0) hangs during the download. The only way out
> of these freezes of YAM is to reboot. I tried several times to download
> each of these messages, it is reproducible.
> It never happened before wednesday and never with mails from other sources
> than this list.

So am I. I am using MicrodotII and have not problem with e-mails for
my job (same program & machine :-) )

> During these 3 days I downloaded about 900 mails from different sources and
> only these 4 from the around 50 coming from the amigaOS3_5 list freezed.
> From these numbers I deduce that the probability is very high that the
> problem is not on my system or provider side, but is on the Mailing List
> or Onelist side.
> Has anybody met the same problem or is aware of a change on the list or at
> Onelist on the 12 of January?
> Has anybody a clue of what could do that? Some strange character in the
> message? Or else?

I have not any succes in downloading any of these mails...

> If YAM had not the possibility to select which messages to download and
> which to leave in the provider mailbox I had been unable to read a single
> mail since 3 days. Lucky me to not be forced to use Outlook ;-)

It's the same here ;-)

Sincerely, Vincent Gouret.

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