AmigaOS3.5 (364/968)

Date:14 Jan 2000 at 20:27:38
Subject:Re: Mui dead?


Now this is interesting J.G. Where did you get this information from?
The last known whereabouts of Stuntzi was "world traveling". Is it
possible that he did jump ship? Right now I know of four developers
that have worked with the 4.x betas (3.9.x or something) but I have not
heard anything as far as how soon anything could be released or for
that matter, if it ever will. The last person that I talked with which
has done some of the new MCC classes for the latest version said that
he wasn't told of any release dates.

One thing that I'm working on is a glyph editor for reaction which
would tie into the icon editor, but this being one of my first major
programming tasks, don't hope for much.

Now, can we PLEASE end this MUI contraversial thread?

Sorry if this post is screwed up, did it off of onelist web site.

Kent Seaton
A3K, CSPPC 604/240 060/60, PicassoIV, Concierto, AriadneII
887KKeys for the RC5 Amiga Team (

-----Original Message-----
From: "J.G." <>
To: [amigaOS3_5]
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 03:21:29 -0400
Subject: Re: MUI dead?

I think Stefan Stuntz should take down his web site since he did not
have the intestinal fortitude to tell his amiga followers of his
program MUI that he jumped ship to be a PC clonie for Bill Gates...Very
Cowardly. He should have at least put up a msg on his web site to the
fact that he sold out.

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