AmigaOS3.5 (334/968)

From:Johan Banis
Date:12 Jan 2000 at 19:56:58
Subject:Re: 3.5 IPrefs and AFR

From: Johan Banis <>

Op 12-jan-00 schreef Don Cox:

On 12-jan-00 Don Cox wrote:

> A better method is:
> 1. Read the readme file to see if the software does roughly what you
> want. If so,
> 2. Print out the docs.
> 3. Read them carefully to see if the program does exactly what you want.
> 4. Install carefully. It's probably best to do a Pretend first to allow
> for idiot programmers who overwrite your latest-version libraries with
> older ones

Or even better: make a partition from which you can boot and on which is the
same set-up as on your partition-for-daily-work.

I have such a partition, called DigiLab, on which I install all things new.
When it crashes, well, then it crashes. Even checksum-errors don't frighten
me any more. Just reformat the partition and copy your main-setup to this
partition. Then you are back in business and you can try-out the new stuff
once again. When you've got it to work properly then you can do a real
install on your daily-work-partition. My DigiLab is very much the same as my
normal set-up, so once I've got things under control I find it quite safe to
use it with my normal-setup. In between these testing-sessions I can use my
Amiga normally without any dangers.

Of course you need quite some free space on your hd. I haven't got my Amiga
loaded with very much stuff so I've got some space to mess around with. I
use a Conner 635 Mb and that suits me fine.

And I've got a Conner 210 on which I've back-upped (regularly) all the contents of the 635, minus DigiLab.

> 5. Close down all other programs, ready for crashes
> 6. Try the thing out.
> 7. If it's good, write to the author to thank him, or register it. This
> is when you can suggest improvements.

Very important. Please do so.

> Installing a program without reading the docs is as pointless as reading
> the docs without installing the program.

And the guy who wrote the docs doesn't like the idea that people don't read
his work. He didn't write the docs just for fun, I guess. There was a point
in doing so.


____ Johan Banis

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