AmigaOS3.5 (288/968)

Date:11 Jan 2000 at 21:32:13
Subject:Re: Re: 3.5 IPrefs <> FastIPrefs


Am Di 11.01.2000 um 22:28:23 schriebst Du unter dem Betreff "[amigaOS3_5] Re: 3.5 IPrefs <> FastIPrefs (was: Memory Use with BB1)"

Hi Helge Reimer!

HR-> >> Well i read that the 3.5 iprefs is *compatible* with FastIPrefs (in BB1
HR-> >> Iprefs is corrected with bugs in this compatibility) but is not
HR-> >> FastIPrefs, don't lock colors 4-7, by this fault i need to reinstall
HR-> >> LockColors, and use more chipram that FastIprefs...
HR-> FastIPrefs and the old IPrefs (3.1) doesn't read the settings of Workbench-
HR-> and Reactor-Prefs.
HR-> This and the color-lock are the only differents, i think. But, because of
HR-> the new Prefs (WB, Reactor), FastIPrefs is unusuable for 3.5 users.

But not for a long time, or what do you think? :-)

Data 02151/596732 33.6/ISDN - Fax 02151 596730 CALL 0170 3300816
SupportBox: AFR, FastIPrefs, SetFunctionsmanager, DefDisk
PGP-Fingerprint: B6 DE 6A 74 37 9E DA 52 1C 1F C8 30 A3 53 43 D4

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