AmigaOS3.5 (256/968)

From:Michael Bourne
Date:10 Jan 2000 at 13:24:25
Subject:Re: Memory Use with BB1

From: Michael Bourne <>

Hello Kolbj�rn,

>> > back to some patterns instead of fullsize images and hope
>> > FastIPrefs will be updated for OS 3.5 :)

> For what it's worth, the IPrefs supplied with OS3.5 _is_
> fastiprefs, but ofcourse they didnt ship the FastIPrefs WBPattern

The bit about "FastIPrefs wasn't my opinion, and yes, you are
perfectly correct. The new IPrefs is effectively the same thing.

>> OS3.5, BB_1, A2000 060, PicIV, Picasso96, *2MB* chip, 64MB fast,
>> and so on.
> No reason why you shouldnt be able to have 1.9MB of chip ram
> free.

That's what I thought...

>> The apparent inability to save def-drawers so that they "view by
>> name" and *not* "by icon" any longer is another small
>> inconvenience.
> hm?

yep! strange..


Michael Bourne <>

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